date idea: Your entire date is spent inside the vehicle you pick your date up in.
First, you pick up your date promising dinner, movies, music, etc. Then, you spend the entirety of the date doing activities that can be done from inside the car.
for example:
You pick up your date and go to a drive-thru restaurant (hopefully something classier than Wendy's, maybe Eegee's?).
Then go on a pleasant drive through a scenic part of your city (maybe a skyline, or somewhere with natural beauty).
Finally end your night with a drive-in movie or at least a drive-thru car wash.
bonus: Driving to a romantic somewhere outside of your city. Not TOO far because you have to drive back, but maybe like a nearby lake or landmark. Even better if you don't tell your date at all... even worse if they think you're a kidnapper.
status: half-attempted?
-Well, this wasn't so much a date as it was a drive around the city showing off my favorite sights and overlooks. It was even less of a date because two of our friends were there with us. However, the event was a success and inspired this idea, so I gotta give myself some credit!