date idea: Go on a date with someone without ever leaving your respective houses! Stay on your computers and go out at the same time!
So, in this date you and a partner will sign on to Skype or another site and start your date there! Still attempt to do "normal" dating activities, but don't leave the house!
-Watch the same movie at the same time.
-Order food together from a restaurant that delivers.
-Play a game (cards, chess, etc.).
-Cook a dessert!
This is obviously a date that long-distance couples do often! However, there are SO many ways to be creative with it.
for example:
Dress up in nice formal wear. Meet for Skypin' at 7pm; don't be late!
Travel online to exotic destinations (Paris, Rio, Hong Kong, etc) via informational sites.
Have a friend drop off food that you made at your date's house around 7:30pm.
Watch a movie together (have a friend drop off a copy with the food).
Now I've made online dating even more lazy. Go me.